He is risen !
N° 227 – December 2021
Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
As obedient sons of the Roman Catholic Church, we must respond in a straightforward manner to the questionnaire sent to us by our bishops, “to all of us, the baptised, members of the People of God,” without concealing our discomfort born of the certainty that the conclusion of this investigation is already written. Instead of solving his problems in private, since the Church can police herself, Bishop de Moulins-Beaufort kneels down to ask the World for forgiveness! He relies on a report drawn up without scrutiny and refuses to challenge it in its most implausible statistics. Then, he proposes compensation on a case-by-case basis, which will hand the Church over to the courts for endless litigations. Jesus, Who is but one with His Church, is crucified a second time by His own ministers!“Caveamus!”
The Sauvé Report: our bishops point accusing fingers at our priests!